
Details of Rita

Location:München, Europe
Age:28 years
Height:175 cm
Bra:34 b
Weight:53 kg
Eye colour:large and blue
Hair colour:red
Languages:German, Russian, a little bit English
Perfume:Guerlain (Shalimar)
Hobbies:swimming, football
Miscellaneous:bi-sexual, occasional smoker

She alone appears to be the very living testemony of unbridled and aestehtic eroticism!

Every ounce and every square millimeter on her body can unpretentiously be described as perfect beauty. Her legs are enclosed in sexy well-kept silky skin and they are the incarnation of the dream of any starlight model from the likes of Lagerfeld & co.

Starkly taintless and cultivated to the very core, her appearance is such a sublime magnificence that you can have only one thought by looking at her: this beautiful creature was created on a day that the gods were celebrating!

Being a treat for all senses like no other, she will never, even for a second, take her eyes off the man she accompanies. One evening and one night will be every man's most wonderful moments out of 1000 and specifically that one night!

She is a high class lady in absolute amorous perfection and she grants an exorbitant benefit of tenderness full of imagination, understanding and caress of the extraodinary kind.